Jessie’s School Program
Jessie’s School Program provides the opportunity for participants to receive secondary school credits from grades 9 to 12 and preparation for reintegration into mainstream schools, alternative schools, and post-secondary education.
We use a collaborative, strengths-based approach to support the unique needs of pregnant and parenting youth using interventions and strategies that are focused on improving the social determinants that most impact their educational goals. We engage participants in identifying their strengths and exploring options to minimize or solve the problems that affect their lives.
Individual education plans are developed to accommodate varying levels of concentration, self-discipline, learning difficulties and well-being to meet the student’s needs and future goals
The school program is designed to support student learning and achievement by providing wraparound support with an emphasis on these key determinants of health; education, early childhood development, and social exclusion.
Jessie’s Scholarship program provides high school graduates pursuing post-secondary education an opportunity to receive a scholarship, valued at $1000.
“Being in Jessie’s school meant opportunity to me. Jessie’s school gave me the chance to continue my education in a surrounding of girls who were just like me. Having a teacher like Lynn, helped me so much because she was so understanding of my situation and helped me the best she could. Being in Jessie’s school meant freedom for me to be a student and be a young mom without being judged. Without Jessie’s school program I would not be graduating this June.”