Parenting and Groups

Parenting Support

We offer parenting support that includes counselling, information, guidance, and referrals. Developmental screening is offered by our Parenting Support Worker using Ages & Stages (ASQ-3) as an early intervention approach, supporting parents' understanding of developmental milestones, attachment, and behavior that facilitates healthy development.

Parent-Child Centre (PCC)

The PCC offers participants and their families support, parenting skills, mentoring and childminding for those accessing our services and programs. 

Parents take part in a variety of programs and activities such as, parent-child activities, crafts, sensory activities, gross motor play, and many fun special events

Group Programming

We offer various core groups focused on pregnancy (Prenatal/Food4Two), early postpartum (Infant Feeding), parenting (Nobody’s Perfect), and personal development (Girls Circle).

“The Prenatal/Food4Two program was [a] program that I began attending at Jessie’s, where I learned so much invaluable information about important topics, such as how to prepare for a wide array of birth experiences, how to have a healthy pregnancy through diet and exercise and how to have a healthy postpartum period. Quite notably, I learned about how to breast-feed at the prenatal program and this was important to me because all it was my goal to breast-feed my baby for at least two years per the World Health Organisation recommendation.”

- A Jessie’s Participant


Housing Support


Practical Supports